Christmas. It’s not all about wearing festive jumpers, sharing presents, eating and drinking maybe a bit too much or listening to Shakin’ Stevens wishing everyone a good time (although these might be part of the Christmas experience). It’s about the birth of someone who visited humankind in order to save them. Come and join our Christmas journey to see how, where and why it all started. Each of the journey stages has music or videos and you will need internet access, either by using the QR codes or clicking on the links to access them.
There are nine stages on our journey:
- Jesus’ birth is prophesised
- Angels visit Elizabeth and Mary
- Mary visits Elizabeth
- Joseph’s dream
- Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem
- Jesus is born
- The visit of the Shepherds
- Wise men visit
- Christmas carols, prayers and songs
To access the Christmas Journey click on this PDF link or scan the QR code below:
Have a look on the Church website or notice board for details of Services across the Christmas period – you are more than welcome to come and join us.
The Ministry team and congregation of Christ Church Roath Park wish you a very happy Christmas and a happy and healthy new year!
Nadolig Llawen and Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!