We attempt at Christ Church to think creatively about our worship, so that it can hold the traditional and modern in a wonderful balance, thereby igniting a sense of God’s grace, joy, and hope amongst us all. We would love to welcome you to one of our services!
10am Communion Service: There is a sermon and lively and engaging music. The liturgy uses modern language (2004 Church in Wales prayer book) and the service lasts between 60 and 75 minutes. The children go out to a Funky Church during the readings and sermon. There is tea and coffee at the end of the service.
10am Communion Service on the first Sunday of the month: The children are invited to stay throughout the whole service, and they lead the prayers and read a bible reading. There is a all-age talk by a member of the clergy. The service lasts about 50 minutes. There is tea and coffee at the end of the service.
6pm Evening Worship: A variety of forms of reflective and calming evening worship that lasts 30 minutes with the first Sunday of each month being a traditional language (1984 Green Book) said Eucharist. The young people (11-20) attend J-Walkers on a monthly basis.
Thursday (every week)
9.30am Holy Communion: There is no sermon or music in this service. The service lasts about 35 minutes with tea and coffee at the end.